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Urdu Academy inaugurates Parvin Shere’s book:
Nihal-e-Dil Par Sahab Jaise (Raindrops on Parched Land)

By Abdus Sattar Ghazali

Well known artist, musician and poetess Parvin Shere’s book Nihaal-e-Dil Par Sahaab Jesey (Raindrops on Parched Land) was inaugurated on October 17, 2010 by the Urdu Academy of North America.UA 10-17-2010 Podium-2

The inauguration event was held at Silicon Valley’s popular ornate Chandni Restaurant in Newark/Fremont. Parvin Shere flew with her husband, Prof. Waris Shere, from Canada to attend the inauguration.

President of Urdu Academy North America, Tahie Zaheer and prominent poet, Naseer Humayun, presented critical analysis of Parvin Shere’s book Raindrops on a Parched Land: Nihal-i-Dil per sahab jaise, which is her second book. Her first one was Fragments: Kirchian (Fragments).

(Picture shows from left: Parvin Shere, Prof. Waris Shere and Tashie Zaheer.)

Naseer Humayun pointed out that her work has the recognition of such great contemporary Urdu writers as Sattiya Paul Anand who penned one of the prefaces of the book under the title: Parvin Shere, a painter-poet. “The subjects included in this collection are high-keyed, powerful and unique. Parvin Shere’s paintings represent the trials and tribulations of inner life.”

Parvin Shere is a multitalented person – musician, painter and poetess. Like "Fragments," her second poetry book is also a panorama of scenes and senses. Each poem is illustrated with a meaningful painting. It is the paintings that buttress and bolster her message. Once you take a look at the images of her paintings it’s hard not to go through her poetry. She wields her pen and brush with masterful strokes.

Tashie Zaheer believes that with her mesmerizing poetry and abstract/fantasy/landscape paintings, she highlights the problems of ordinary people in a unique way which is no less than a crusade. This entire book has been written on the subject of mother. She has idealized and idolized the concept of mother. UA 10-17-2010 Title

To borrow eminent American historian Washington Irving, a mother is the truest friend we have, when trials heavy and sudden, fall upon us; when adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends who rejoice with us in our sunshine desert us; when trouble thickens around us, still will she cling to us, and endeavor by her kind precepts and counsels to dissipate the clouds of darkness, and cause peace to return to our hearts.

Chinese writer Lin Yutang believes that of all the rights of women, the greatest is to be a mother.
And as a Jewish proverb goes, God could not be everywhere, so he created mothers.

Who knows the affection and value of a mother better than Parvin Shere who lost her father when she was only five years-old. Her mother raised her like a father. She cared and caressed her daughter. She selflessly brought her up and became the symbol of sacrifice.

When she died, Parvin got shattered and scattered. This collection comprises fifty poems with their paintings on a single theme of mother that shows the sharp and exceptional acumen of the poet's poetic creative talent.

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